Head of Laboratory: Doctor of Biological Sciences Maslov Alexander Anatolyevich

Studies on natural and anthropogenic forest dynamics;

Forest biodiversity analysis at population and ecosystem level;

Forest typological studies;

Recreational forestry;

Scientific basis for the extraction of particularly valuable natural complexes;

Technogenic evolution of forest soils.

NameAcademic degreeAcademic titlePost
Maslov Alexander AnatolyevichDoctor of Biological SciencesSenior researcherActing laboratory head, lead researcher
Polyakova Galina AndreyevnaDoctor of Biological SciencesSenior researcherLead researcher
Melankholin Peter NikolaevichCandidate of Biological Sciences Senior researcher
Lysikov Andrey BorisovichCandidate of Biological SciencesSenior researcherSenior researcher
Razgulin Sergei MikhailovichDoctor of Biological Sciences Senior researcher

The material is being prepared for placement

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