Information about educational organization
Name of the educational organization: Institute of Fоrеst Science Russian Academy of Sciences
Date of foundation of the educational organization: 16.10.1944 г.
Adress of the educational organization: Sovetskaya 21, Uspenskoe, Moscow region, Russia, 143030
Working time and schedule: Monday – Friday 09:00-17:00.
Phone number: +7 (495) 634-52-57.

Information about the founder of an educational organization
Founder of an educational organization: Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Minobrnauki of Russia).
Head of Minobrnauki of Russia — Minister of Minobrnauki of Russia Valery Nikolaevich Falkov.
Registered address Minobrnauki of Russia: 125009, Moscow, Tverskaya str. 11.
Phone of Minobrnauki of Russia: +7 (495) 634-52-57.

IFS RAS Administration Director ‑ PhD Sirin Andrey Arturovich.
Adress: 143030, Russian Federation, Moscow oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya 21.
Serebryanoborskoe experimental forestry IFS RAS
Director – PhD Nakhaev Zaurbeig Narimanovich
Adress: 121609, Russian Federation, Moscow, Sosnovka settlement, 1.
Phone: (495) 413-10-34
Tellermanovskoe experimental forestry IFS RAS
Director — Chebotaryova Valentina Vasilyevna
Adress: 397206, Russian Federation, Voronezh oblast, Gribanovsky region, Kornakovsky str., 12.
Phone: (47348) 3-47-04
Centre for the conservation and restoration of wetland ecosystems IFS RAS
Director ‑ PhD Sirin Andrey Arturovich
Adress: 121609, Russian Federation, Moscow, Sosnovka settlement, 3, corp. 1.
Laboratory of forestry and biological productivity
Head of Laboratory – PhD Glazunov Yuri Borisovich
Adress: 143030, Russian Federation, Moscow oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya 21.
Laboratory of arid forestry
Head of Laboratory – PhD Sizemskaya Marina Lvovna
Adress: 143030, Russian Federation, Moscow oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya 21.
Laboratory of forest geobotany and soil science
Head of Laboratory – PhD Maslov Alexander Anatolyevich
Adress: 143030, Russian Federation, Moscow oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya 21.
Laboratory of broadleaved forest ecology
Head of Laboratory – PhD Rubtsov Vasily Vasilyevich
Adress: 143030, Russian Federation, Moscow oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya 21.
Laboratory of wetland studies
Head of Laboratory – PhD Glukhova Tamara Vladimirovna
Adress: 143030, Russian Federation, Moscow oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya 21.
Laboratory of forest zoology
Head of Laboratory – PhD Bykov Alexander Vladimirovich
Adress: 143030, Russian Federation, Moscow oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya 21.
Postgraduate school
head of postgraduate school — Khrapovitskaya Ekaterina Mikhailovna
Adress: 143030, Russian Federation, Moscow oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya 21.
Working Group
Administrator — PhD Erofeev Aleksey Evgenyevich
Adress: 143030, Russian Federation, Moscow oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya 21.
Junior service staff
Administrator — PhD Erofeev Aleksey Evgenyevich
Adress: 143030, Russian Federation, Moscow oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya 21.

Scientific direction (speciality)
06.00.00 – Biological sciences (03.02.08 – Ecology)
35.00.00 – Agriculture forestry and fishery (06.03.02 – Forestry, forestry, forest inventory and forest management)

Detailed information on training can be found on the Russian version of the website.

NamePostAcademic subjectAcademic degreeAcademic titleScientific direction
Glazunov Yuri BorisovichHead of Laboratory of forestry and biological productivity, principal researcher Forestry, forest management and forest inventoryCandidate of the agricultural sciences 35.06.02 Forestry
Actual forestry issues
Goncharov Mikhail AnatolyevichGuest lecturerBasics of teachingPhD in education 06.06.01 Biological sciences
35.06.02 Forestry
Kaplina Natalya FedotovnaSenior researcherPublishing of scientific papersCandidate of Biological SciencesSenior researcher 35.06.02 Forestry
Kolganikhina Galina BorisovnaSenior researcherPublishing of scientific papersCandidate of Biological SciencesSenior researcher 06.06.01 Biological sciences
Merzlenko Mikhail DmitrievichPrincipal researcherForestry, forest management and forest inventoryDoctor of the agricultural sciencesProfessor 35.06.02 Forestry
Actual forestry issues
Sapanov Mamay KazievichLead researcher Preparation of applications for grant competitionsDoctor of Biological SciencesSenior researcher35.06.02 Forestry
06.06.01 Biological sciences
Sizemskaya Marina LvovnaLaboratory head of arid forestry, lead researcherEcologyDoctor of Biological SciencesSenior researcher 06.06.01 Biological sciences
Sirin Andrey ArturovichDirectorActual ecology issuesDoctor of Biological SciencesSenior researcher 06.06.01 Biological sciences

Material and technical security


You can get acquainted with the information on activity of IFS RAS at the official site for placing the information on state (municipal) establishments.

Vacant places
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