
Management apparatus, accounting, personnel department, chancellery, IFS RAS


Various scientific laboratories, managers, employees, research areas

Graduate school

Information about the organization, admission procedure, orders for admission


The list of the main scientific monographs and articles of the staff of the IFS RAS


In 2023, ILAN RAS is recruiting for the 2023/2024 academic year at the expense of budget allocations from the federal budget for programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in full-time postgraduate studies in the following scientific specialties:
1.5.15 Ecology (1.5. Biological Sciences)
4.1.6 Forestry, forestry, forest crops, agroforestry, landscaping, forest pyrology and taxation (4.1. Agronomy, forestry and water management)
Acceptance of documents will last until September 11, 2023.

Latest news

National Project "Science and Universities"

Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Forest Zoology at ILAN RAS, candidate of biological sciences Alexander Valentinovich Petrov held a series of lectures for pupils of Uspenskaya secondary school on what is studied by forest entomology

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