Tellermanovskoe experimental forestry IFS RAS

Director: Chebotaryova Valentina Vasilyevna
Address: 12, Kornakovsky str., Gribanovsky district, Tellermanovsky village, Voronezh region, Russian Federation, 397206.
Phone: (47348) 3-47-04


Serebryanoborskoe experimental forestry IFS RAS

Director: Ph.D. Nakhaev Zaurbeig Narimanovich
Address: 1, Sosnovka village, Moscow, Russian Federation, 121609.
Phone: (495) 413-10-34


Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Wetland Ecosystems IFS RAS

Address: 3, Sosnovka village, Moscow, Russian Federation, 121609, bldg. 1.

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