Director: Ph.D. Nakhaev Zaurbeig Narimanovich
Address: 1, Sosnovka village, Moscow, Russian Federation, 121609.
Phone: (495) 413-10-34
Serebryanoborskoe Experimental Forestry (SOL ILAN RAS) is located west of Moscow, partly within the city limits. In natural terms, the area is located in the subzone of coniferous-broadleaved forests in the south-eastern spurs of the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya Upland.
SOL ILAN RAS was established in 1944 as a pilot and experimental base of the Forest Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. After the Forest Institute was transferred to Krasnoyarsk in 1045, forestry was transferred to the Laboratory of Forestry of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which was reorganized in 1991 into the IFS RAS.
The initiator of the organization of forestry was academician V.N. Sukachev, who formulated the main task of research in Serebryanoborskoe experimental forestry – “comprehensive study of forest in order to bring the scientific basis for measures to improve forest productivity and to streamline forestry”. The study of components, their functioning and the impact of various factors is carried out through short-term and long-term specially designed programs. Theoretical basis is forest biogeocenology.
Almost from the very beginning the research is carried out on the same forest areas, by representatives of different specialties, which allows comprehensive study of forest communities.
Currently, the foreground is the study of anthropogenic impact on forest systems and the development of scientific bases for the conservation of forest biosphere functions, biodiversity and monitoring of forest condition and dynamics. Only long term observations allow to understand forest formation processes and develop methods of forest management. The main directions of research in SOL ILAN RAS:
• Integrated characteristics of vegetation, soils, fauna;
• Forestry research;
• Geobotanical research;
• Ecological and physiological research;
• Breeding and genetic studies;
• Zoological research;
• Production experiments;
• Environmental studies;
• Monitoring theory and practice;
• Recreational impact on forests;
• Technogenic impact of MKAD on forest.
The results of research and bibliography of the main works carried out on the basis of forestry are given in publications:
• Stationary studies of the Laboratory of Forestry of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow: Nauka, 1984. 173 с.
• Institute of Forestry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow: Nauka, 2000. 88 с.
• Nature of Serebryanoborskiy lesnichestvo / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Laboratory of Silviculture. Moscow: Nauka. 1974.
• Polyakova G.A., Merzlenko M.D., Glazunov Yu.B., Kozhenkova A.A., Kolganikhina G.B., Melnik P.G. Serebryanoborskoe Experimental Forestry – the main base of biogeocenological works of the Institute of Forestry of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the middle belt of Russia // Forestry information. 2019. №4. с.67-78.